Welcome to the Help system for AlphaVAT and AlphaBridge

The following links will take you to the contents page for each topic:

What's new

Find out more about our latest release.

Help resources and user guides

Includes user guides, FAQs, technical information, troubleshooting guide, user journeys and videos.

How to use the help system

Includes navigation and how to contact our technical support team.

System access & customer management

Includes first time login, resetting your password and managing multiple customers.

Entity management

Includes the user menu, notification and alerts.

Entity details

Includes the VAT Returns tab, Payments and liabilities tab, Analytics tab, Entity Summary tab, Data cleansing checks, automatic treatments and the Documents tab.

Entity authorisation

Includes the authorisation wizard, re-authorising an entity and removing authorisation.

Demo entities

Includes the features you can and cannot use with a Demo entity.

Single entities

Includes adding, editing, moving and deleting an entity.

Group entities

Includes group management, group settings, adding representatives and group members and the group dashboard.

Prepare VAT Returns using AlphaBridge

Includes the AlphaBridge template and Uploading an Excel file.

Prepare VAT Returns using AlphaVAT

Includes calculation options, PESM Builder, file upload, data mapping, file mapping, and preview, analysis, and reports.

Finalise and submit your VAT Return

Includes how to finalise and submit your VAT Return, along with how to view and print your receipt.

System administration

Includes system administration tasks for folder and user management. Including planning/creating your folder structure and assigning access to folder/entities, as well as planning/creating your user role structure and allocating roles to users.