Entity diagnostics





Any figures in box 8 must also be included in box 6. Therefore, box 8 should not be greater than box 6.

Review EU supplies manual adjustments made, they should also be included in the output VAT net manual adjustment as well.


Any figures in box 9 must also be included in box 7. Therefore, box 9 should not be greater than box 7.

Review EU acquisitions Net manual adjustments made, they should also be included in the input VAT net manual adjustment as well.


Output VAT transactions have been flagged as blocked, these transactions will be excluded from the calculation.

Blocked transactions relates to the rules of recovery on input VAT in box 4 only, and therefore this treatment is not applicable to outputs. Review the transactions marked as blocked and ensure that no outputs are included.


Box 1 should not normally exceed 20% of box 6.

VAT due on sales and other outputs should normally not exceed 20% of the total value of sales and all other outputs. However in certain circumstances it can, for example, when correcting a VAT amount from a prior period. Review the reports and any manual adjustments entered to confirm treatment.


Box 4 should not normally exceed 20% of box 7.

It is possible that Box 4 may be more than 20% Box 7, as some input tax adjustments do not have a corresponding entry in Box 7, however this is reasonably uncommon and therefore we would suggest reviewing these entries.


Box 2 should normally be 20% of box 9.

The VAT accounting treatment for acquisitions requires that output VAT is self-accounted for in box 2, and the net value of the supply is also included in box 9. These boxes are used for acquisitions only, and as such, the entry in box 2 should not normally exceed 20% of box 9. Review the reports and any manual adjustments entered to confirm treatment.