Entity report

The Partial exemption recovery report statement contains the following information:

  1. Recovery percentage: Taxable and total net amounts are calculated across the relevant output calculation blocks (Sales, Exports, Distance sales, and Dispatches) to arrive at the overall balance of taxable and total supplies. The recovery percentage is then derived as taxable sales over total sales.

    This percentage is rounded up to two decimal places where residual input VAT exceeds £400,000 per month on average, or zero decimal places otherwise in accordance with SI 1995/2518 reg 101(5). Note that self-supplies under the reverse charge procedure do not form part of supplies for the purposes of partial exemption (see to VAT Notice 706 section 4.8) and AlphaVAT will automatically apply this treatment.

As VAT groups are treated as a single taxable person, they have a single recovery percentage as calculated by the group partial exemption method. The recovery rate used within the calculation therefore depends on the status of the group:

    • Prior to consolidation of the group, the individual recovery percentage will be used. This represents the ratio of taxable supplies over total supplies for the individual entity. The recoverable amounts are therefore provisional at this stage.

    • Post consolidation of the group, the group recovery percentage is used. This represents the ratio of taxable supplies over total supplies over all members included within the group recovery calculation, see the Managing group settings help page for further information. Note that the individual recovery percentage is still shown but for memo purposes only.

  1. Input VAT: Taxable, exempt, residual and total VAT amounts are calculated across the relevant input calculation blocks (Purchases, Imports, Acquisitions, Reverse charge, Domestic reverse charge, and Postponed VAT accounting) to arrive at the overall balance of VAT amounts. Residual VAT is multiplied by the appropriate recovery percentage to determine the amount recoverable.

  2. De minimis: The simplified and standard de minimis tests will be applied by broadly comparing exempt input tax to £625 per month on average, and 50% of total input tax.

  3. Total taxable input tax: Where the de minimis does not apply, total taxable input tax is derived as the sum of taxable input VAT plus residual input VAT multiplied by the recovery percentage. Where the de minimis does apply, total taxable input tax is the sum of total input VAT.