The Data cleansing checks section

The Data cleansing checks section is only available to AlphaVAT customers. AlphaBridge customers will not be able to see or access this feature.

This section contains a list of diagnostic checks that AlphaVAT can perform on your entity’s data.  These options are entity specific, so you can have different configurations for each of your entities.

The following data checks are recommended by HMRC. These checks default to automatically appear in the entity's Report results and can be configured to block or exclude the results and specify filter rules for the data checks.

  • VAT on UK business entertaining

  • Intra-group transaction

  • Passenger transport

  • Leased car expenditure

The following options are standard for every entity and can be configured according to your preferences.  The default settings have them all switched on.

  • Out of period data - Post-period

  • Out of period data - Pre-period

  • Possible duplicate transactions

  • VAT Rate  

You can edit the configuration of your standard data cleansing checks and you can add and manage customised data checks.

Where can I view the results of these diagnostic checks?

When you run your entity’s VAT Calculation, AlphaVAT will validate your data by performing all the diagnostic checks that are switched on.  

Should your data fail on any of these validation checks, then the results will be displayed in the To be reviewed report. Here you will be able to view and fix any data issues.  

Why would I customise these options for my entity?

There are a number of reasons why you might want to change the default settings for your entity’s diagnostic validation checks.  

It may be that you already run some of these validation checks when preparing your data and therefore you know that your data will not fail on them. If this were the case, then it would not be necessary for AlphaVAT to also perform these validation checks, so you could customise your configuration options to turn off some or all of them. You can also create and manage customised data checks for your entity.