The default Data cleansing checks

There are currently four default data cleansing checks available for your AlphaVAT entities. These will perform a number of diagnostic validation checks on the data files that you upload for your AlphaVAT calculation.

The default selection for each of these options is to have them turned on, but you can turn off the validation checks that you do not need AlphaVAT to perform.  

The results of these validation checks will be displayed in the Diagnostic report and where you can review the data and make decisions on whether they should be excluded or the data should be amended.

Data cleansing check


Out of period data - post-period

This validation check looks for post-period data included in your data file that is outside of the period you are preparing your VAT Return for.

Out of period data - pre-period

This validation check looks for pre-period data included in your data file that is outside of the period you are preparing your VAT Return for.

Possible duplicate transactions

This validation check looks for potential duplicate transactions that can be reviewed and excluded from your calculation.

VAT Rate

This validation check looks for data that does not have the current VAT Rate applied, which can be reviewed and amended or excluded from your VAT Return.