The Details section

This section displays the following information for all entities. The details are view only and cannot be updated here.

Entity name:

This will display the name that was given to the entity.

Entity short name:

This will display the short name if one was provided when the entity was created.

VAT registration number:

This displays the entity’s VAT registration number.

Principal place of business:

This displays the location that was provided when the entity was created.

VAT year start:

This will display the year if one was selected one when the entity was created.

Parent folder:

This displays the folder path of where the entity has been saved to.

Licence type:

This displays the Licence that has been chosen for the entity (e.g., AlphaBridge, AlphaVAT, Group, Demo)

Entity created on:

This will display the date that the entity was created on.

Entity created by:

This will display the name of the user that created the entity.