System access configuration types

There are two configuration types for accessing the system, depending on whether the user needs to work on a single customer or with multiple customers.

Single customer access

The system allows user access to be configured to enable them to work on a single customer.  This access is set up by their System Administrator.  Should the user need to have access to more than one customer, their System Administrator can amend their access configuration to enable this.

Multiple customer access

The system allows user access to be configured to enable them to work on multiple customers.  This will enable the user to select the customer they need to work on, after they have logged into the system and completed the 2-factor authentication.

This access is set up by their System Administrator.  Should the user’s role change, their access can be modified by their System Administrator to add or remove a customer from their access list.

The list of customer accounts will include any account that your email address is associated to.

The list is ordered by the most recently accessed account first, followed by alphabetical ordering of customers.

Accounts that you have been removed from accessing will no longer show in the customer list.