User journeys

Click on the links below, to download a pdf version of a user journey.

AlphaVAT user journey for Agents/Firms - Single entity

This outlines the user journey for Agents/Firms, offering a visual representation of the end to end process and steps required to submit a VAT Return for a single entity using AlphaVAT.

AlphaVAT user journey for Businesses - Single entity

This outlines the user journey for businesses, offering a visual representation of the end to end process and steps required to submit a VAT Return for a single entity using AlphaVAT.

AlphaBridge template user journey for Agents/Firms -  Single entity

This outlines the user journey for Agents/Firms, offering a visual representation of the end to end process and steps required to submit a VAT Return for a single entity using the AlphaBridge template.

AlphaBridge template user journey for Businesses - Single entity

This outlines the user journey for businesses, offering a visual representation of the end to end process and steps required to submit a VAT Return for a single entity using the AlphaBridge template.

AlphaBridge file upload  user journey for Agents/Firms -  Single entity

This outlines the user journey for Agents/Firms, offering a visual representation of the end to end process and steps required to submit a VAT Return for a single entity using the AlphaBridge file upload feature.

AlphaBridge file upload  user journey for Businesses - Single entity

This outlines the user journey for businesses, offering a visual representation of the end to end process and steps required to submit a VAT Return for a single entity using the AlphaBridge file upload feature.