Derived foreign exchange data

Once AlphaVAT has finished converting non-GBP values into GBP you will be presented with the derived data generated as a result.

AlphaVAT will have added up to three new columns of data to your data file, while preserving all of the original data the FX values were derived from. If you only selected to convert either Net or VAT then you will see two columns added.

  • The DerivedExchangeRate column details the exchanged rate used for each transaction withing the file having referenced the currency and date information provided to determine the appropriate rate.

  • The DerivedNet column includes the Net amount of the transaction translated to GBP at the exchange rate derived for that transaction.

  • The DerivedVAT column includes the VAT amount of the transaction translated to GBP at the exchange rate derived for that transaction.

AlphaVAT will automatically apply the relevant column header mappings to the derived columns. These derived columns will display in any reports supporting the VAT Return.