Defining your sector recovery method

You can access the Recovery methods screen by clicking on the Continue to recovery methods button from the Sector configuration screen or by selecting the Manage recovery option on the main My Sectors screen.

This displays a table of all the sectors created and the options via drop-down lists to define what recovery method each sector is going to use, how to round the recovery percentage, and if relevant, to what decimal places of accuracy.  For each sector you have created, you will need to:

  1. Click on the drop down list for the first box and select the recovery method you require (see Recovery method options for more information).

  2. Click on the drop down list for the second box and select the rounding type that you wish to use (see Rounding options for more information).

  3. In the third box you can choose the number of decimal places required for your rounding option.

Once you have defined the recovery method and rounding for each of your sectors, click on the Save and continue button to move to the Allocation Steps screen.