Session timeouts and prompts

When users log-in and authenticate with the system, a behind the scenes token is issued and the session is established. Active sessions will not expire and so users do not need to re-authenticate during this active period.  

Sessions can only expire when users are inactive, when they close the browser or tab, or when their authentication token expires for other reasons such as when their password has been reset or their user permissions have been changed. Note that remaining on the same page without refreshing is classed as inactivity.

When a page is loaded, a ten-minute timer commences. Note that this timer is reset by either page navigation or a refresh. After this ten-minute timer ends, the system notifies the user that the session is due to expire:

A prompt is displayed when the session has two minutes remaining before it will timeout due to inactivity. The user can select either Log out or Keep me logged in.  

After this two-minute timer ends, and the session expires, the system will timeout and the user will be returned to the timeout landing page. From here, the user can log back in and return to where they left off.

If the session times out when the browser tab does not have focus (e.g., is minimised or is not an active tab/window), upon focus being restored, a short delay may occur before the browser refreshes to reflect the timeout.

In the scenario whereby users have multiple system tabs, the other tabs will not refresh due to the timeout unless they are visited before logging back into the system.